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Battle In the Saddle Teams Challenge

Three Teams, each owning a challenge to the others, will compete each day for best all around competitor. Is it Agility, Performance or Speed? Don't miss this action packed event featuring Kansas Western Hrosemen's Association, Fort Riley Commanding General's Mounted Color Guards & American Freedom Riders Drill Team!


Friday March 21st: 

3:30pm to 4:30pm Ag Hall Arena

Saturday March 22nd: 

3:30pm to 4:30pm Ag Hall Arena

Sunday March 23rd: 

11:30am to 12:30pm Ag Hall Arena


Cowboy Craftsmanship

This inaugural silversmith contest will showcase 10 original bits and 10 orginal spurs made by some very talented artisans as they compete for the title of "Best in the West".


Entries due January 15th, submissions due February 1st. Items will be displayed in the Kansas Horse Council Foundation Silent Auction room during Friday and Saturday of EquiFest. WInners to be announced Saturday evening at the Ranch Rodeo. 


Draft Races

See these gentle giants compete in multiple draft horse races over 2 days for agility, speed, and skills


Friday March 21:

10:30am to 3:00pm Ag Hall Arena

Saturday March 22:

10:30am to 3:00pm Ag Hall Arena


Farrier Competition

Farriers are the foundation of a healthy horse! Check out this cool farrier competition that serves as a continuing education opportunity for all farriers who enter. They compete in forging shoes from raw materials, crafting basic to specialty shoes, then moving on to live shoeing. They are judged by a world champion farrier. You’ll learn a lot here!


Friday March 21 in Barn 2 at 9:00AM-"Individual Forging"

Friday March 21 in Barn 2, TBA "Two Man Draft"

Saturday March 22 in Barn 2 at 9:00AM - "Live Shoeing"


Kids Coloring Contest

Kansas Horse Council Foundation and Colby Community College Equestrians Association present the 2024 Kids Coloring Contest


Submit artwork by March 13th to See rules for more information. Art will be displayed at Kids Corral at EquiFst on TPEC North Concourse. Winners announced Saturday afternoon. 


Mounted Shooting

Shootout at EquiFest Mounted Shooting event. Sanctioned by the U.S. Mounted Shooting Assn. and managed by the Ozark Mounted Shooters.


DAY 1: Friday March 21st

Round 1 Shoot: 10:00am to 11:00am, TPEC Arena

Round 2 Shoot: 4:15pm to 5:15pm, TPEC Arena

DAY 2: Saturday March 22nd

Round 1 Shoot: 10:00am to 11:00am, TPEC Arena

Round 2 Shoot: 4:15pm to 5:15pm, TPEC Arena

DAY 3: Sunday March 23rd

Final 10 Showdown: 10:15am to 11:15am, Ag Hall Arena


Over the Ears Photo Contest

KDWP Annual Photo Contest at EquiFest!

Submit Entry by March 1st to

See photo submissions displayed at KDWP Booth, GPMCH G74/75

Cast your vote! Winner Announced Saturday March 22nd 10:00am


Ranch Rodeo

Don’t miss the ever-popular Ranch Rodeo Friday and Saturday nights at EquiFest. The competition is tough and exciting. Teams compete for prizes and bragging rights for who is BEST at what they do every day. This gives spectators an insight into the life of the ranch worker and some of the daily duties from roping, riding, and working as a team to bring home the beef! Grandstands fill up and teams are different each night, so grab a seat early and enjoy the pre-event festivities.


Friday & Saturday nights 7:00PM to 10:00PM


Youth Horse Judging

Youth can participate in this quality open horse judging contest that introduces the next generation of horse exhibitors and judges to current industry standards through a process of class evaluations and oral reasons. Ages 9 to 19 can compete. There are 2 age divisions and 2 skill divisions making more opportunities to compete at an appropriate level from entry to advanced. Teams of 3 or 4 contestants may compete. Individuals may compete. It’s a great practice contest for those in FFA, 4H or a breed association, but you are not required to be a member of these to compete!


Friday March 21  Ag Hall Arena

Check in opens at 7:45am

Rules meeting at 8:15am 

Live judging at 8:30am to 10:30am

Reasons at TPEC Workshop Rooms at 10:30am 

Guest Speaker at time TBD at contest

Awards at time TBD at contest


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EquiFest of Kansas ©2023

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